NEW IN ENGLISH & SPALabor, Nature, and the Evolution of Humanity: The L

Friday, April 20, 2012

Revolutionary perspectives of the IMT

My notes, from a reading of the final installment of the IMT World Political Resolution,

which can be found here.

....We have now entered into the most turbulent time in human history, with a sharp upturn of the class struggle everywhere. We have entered a period where we can see bourgeois regimes fall, just like the Stalinist regimes fell 20 years ago. The bourgeoisie is uncomfortably aware of this and is increasingly alarmed.

....for the immediate future, the bourgeoisie must rule through the reformist parties and trade unions.

....reformists who are implementing the cuts, either directly or by supporting the right-wing governments' attacks on living standards as a "patriotic duty".

....leaders of the mass organizations of the working class have transformed themselves into massive obstacles to the revolutionary movement.

...."Lefts" are no better than the right wing. They share the view of the right wing that there is really no alternative to capitalism, and must act accordingly.

....same is true of the former "Communist" leaders who have become transformed into vulgar Social Democrats

....The ruling class all over Europe must base itself on the leaders of the workers' mass organizations at this stage.

....mobilisation of the youth, who at all stages have been at the forefront of the struggle.

....position today of the youth in the advanced capitalist countries is fundamentally not that different from the position of the youth in the backward countries.

....bourgeois democracy is quickly losing its legitimacy in the eyes of the youth who correctly see it, and all established parties related to it, as a cloak for the dictatorship of the bankers.

....They have no memory of the "golden days" of reformism, where capitalism could afford to give a few minor concessions, allowing the reformist leaders to build up authority that they could translate into social peace. They have no memory of the struggles of the post-war period when the workers moved through their traditional mass organisations. The only experiences they have are of the counter-reforms of the 90s, and the constant betrayals of the social-democrats and, to a certain extent, the Stalinists.

....this creates great opportunities for the Marxists who can approach the youth directly under their own banner. If the Marxists adopt a flexible approach to this revolutionary youth, big gains can be made.

....same process is happening everywhere, at different speeds and in different conditions, even in the richest and most powerful country in the world.

....Everywhere we see the symptoms of decline

....The one thing that was missing from the revolutionary situations that arose in Tunisia, Egypt and Greece was a revolutionary leadership. This is something that cannot be improvised. It must be prepared in advance. How is that done? What is the duty of the Marxists in this situation?

....the masses will put all the existing parties and leaderships to the test. There will be a whole series of crises and splits to the right and the left. At a certain stage a mass left wing will emerge. The right wing will be shattered by events.

....we must be realistic. The masses cannot stay on the streets indefinitely. There will inevitably be periods of lull, during which the workers will think deeply about what has happened, criticize, differentiate and draw conclusions. It is precisely in such periods that the ideas of Marxism can gain a powerful echo; on condition that we are patient, that we listen to what the masses are saying and put forward the correct slogans.

....In the military academies of the bourgeoisie, the future officers study past wars in order to prepare for future wars. In the same way, we must prepare our cadres as the future officers of the revolutionary proletariat. Every comrade must study the past revolutions in order to apply the lessons for future revolutions.




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