

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Anniversary of Oct. 7 pogrom: Fight against Jew-hatred key – The Militant

Anti-Zionism today is antisemitism
Hamas, together with various Stalinist, Maoist and anarchist currents, has put together a well-oiled international propaganda machine that demonizes Israel. They claim they’re “anti-Zionist,” not antisemitic.

But a report issued Aug. 30 by an administration-appointed task force at Columbia University documents egregious cases of Jew-hatred at the campus, a center of anti-Israel actions.

A Jewish student, who had put up a mezuzah — a traditional Jewish symbol — on her doorway in an on-campus dormitory, was harassed at all hours of the day and night after Oct. 7 by Hamas apologists who banged on her door demanding she explain Israel’s actions.

“Students have reported having necklaces ripped off their necks and being pinned against walls, while walking back to their dorm” or “on their way to synagogue,” the report noted. Others were shouted at to “go back to Poland.” Many Jewish students have stopped walking alone on campus.

Anniversary of Oct. 7 pogrom: Fight against Jew-hatred key – The Militant

‘Working class needs to take political power’ – The Militant

“The governments in Ukraine and in Israel are capitalist governments and they depend on fickle imperialist allies that put their own interests first,” Fruit said. “But if they win the wars they are fighting for their survival, the working class there will have more space to organize, to unite and to reach out to their allies in the working classes of other countries.” Ultimately, she said, “the solution is tied to building a revolutionary working-class party of all nationalities in every country,” Fruit said — including in Israel and Ukraine — “that fights for workers power.”

‘Working class needs to take political power’ – The Militant