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Monday, October 18, 2010

The new scramble for Africa

Ambassador Michael Battle

The new scramble for Africa

Jason Hickel

The past few years have seen a dramatic uptick in American diplomatic
 efforts in Africa, which has coincided with a decisive shift in
 political rhetoric about the continent. At first glance this might seem 
like a positive development, reflecting a more progressive attitude
toward what has long been considered an unimportant global backwater.

But a closer look reveals that American diplomacy in Africa is less 
about serving the good of African people than it is about securing the
 interests of private American capital. Nowhere has this been more 
flagrantly clear than on the lips of Michael Battle, the US ambassador 
to the African Union.

First, a bit about Ambassador Battle. He received a master’s in divinity 
at Trinity College and a PhD in ministry at Howard University, and
 served at the Interdenominational Theological Centre in Atlanta until he
 was nominated to his current post by President Obama in 2009. Battle’s
 position at the AU is new and little known outside diplomatic circles.
The US only established a dedicated ambassadorship to the African Union
 during the Bush administration in 2006. This mission — known as USAU —
is the first of its kind among non-African states, and is designed to 
facilitate US operations in Africa as a more “efficient” and “effective” 
alternative to bilateral relationships with individual African states.

This month I had the opportunity to attend a speech delivered by
 Ambassador Battle during his visit to the Miller Centre of Public
 Affairs at the University of Virginia. I noticed a new diplomatic
 rhetoric right at the outset of his presentation. First, he referred to
 Africa as a continent of “riches” and “abundance”, flagging a notable
 departure from earlier, longstanding representations of Africa as
“desolate” and “impoverished”. Paralleling this point, Battle spoke at
 length about shifting US policy in Africa toward corporate “investment”
and “partnership” and away from public “aid” and “assistance”.

On the face of it this seemed like good news to me, but the rest of
 Battle’s speech disabused me of any rosy assumptions. According to
 Battle, USAU promotes two primary and interrelated goals: security and 
trade. I will deal with each in turn.

In terms of security, Battle confirmed America’s dedication to working
 with the AU and the US Africa Command (Africom) to militarise the 
continent’s coastlines. While he claimed that the goals of this mission 
include responding to increased maritime piracy and breaking cartels 
that traffic illegally in drugs and humans, he made it clear that the
 primary military objective is to protect US oil interests in the Gulf of 
Guinea and secure a favourable climate for returns on investment for
 American corporations. When pressed, Battle justified his call for
militarisation by invoking the vague and poorly substantiated spectre of
“terrorism”. By marking Africa as a new front in the “Global War on
Terror”, the US can justify almost any military intervention it wants.

In terms of trade, Battle spoke excitedly about the partnership between
the US, the AU, and the Corporate Council on Africa (CCA) to integrate
 and liberalise the continent’s national economies. Battle’s explicit 
vision is to facilitate the efforts of US corporations such as Chevron 
and Delta (which he mentioned by name, along with half a dozen others) 
to expand investments across multiple African nations by “harmonising
 trade rules” and “simplifying regulations”. He praised the AU for 
developing “free trade” across the continent at a faster rate than the
 EU was able to accomplish over a similar period of time, and looks 
forward to an Africa that is increasingly “open for business” to 
American companies.

None of this is particularly new, of course — the US has long used its
 diplomats to push for neoliberal economic policies. The real newness of
 Battle’s approach is that he no longer feels the need to hide America’s 
brash economic interests in Africa. While diplomats of earlier eras 
invoked the lofty rhetoric of development and democracy, Battle makes no
 such effort. Instead, he speaks plainly about using diplomacy to 
facilitate monopoly capitalism, and about paving the way for US
 corporations to — as he put it — “take advantage of Africa’s resources 
and exploit its tremendous market opportunities”. According to Battle:
“If we don’t act now we will miss a golden opportunity in Africa, and
 wake up to find that China and India have divided up the continent 
without us.” Battle couldn’t have been blunter — or more offensive — if
 he tried.

One can’t help but find Battle’s approach shockingly redolent of the
 19th century “Scramble for Africa”, when European nations conspired to 
divide the continent among themselves, each claiming a share of its 
abundant resources, its cheap labour, and its untapped markets, all 
while committing to secure their claims with a military presence. The 
only thing that has changed today is that the actors are different, and 
the plunder is being conducted with the full support of the African
 Union, which — not surprisingly — depends largely on funds from the US.

Before he left the auditorium, Ambassador Battle agreed to field a few 
questions from the audience. One student asked him why he focused so 
much on capital investment and economic liberalisation, but never once
 discussed fairer labour standards or protective environmental policies 
or regulatory mechanisms designed to benefit the poor. Indeed, any
astute observer of African affairs understands that poverty and 
instability arise not from too much regulation and too little foreign
 direct investment, but from too little regulation and foreign direct
 investment that plunders and exploits without meaningfully benefiting 
the public. What Africa needs is not investment for its own sake, but
 investment within a framework that will protect workers and the
environment and ensure that common people receive a just share of the 
resources that are their birthright. But Battle refused to answer the

I also took a moment to pose a question to Ambassador Battle. I asked
 him how it was that his job as a public functionary of the US government
 has become about securing the private interests of multinational
 corporations. I wasn’t surprised when he refused to answer me. But I was
 surprised that he made no effort to contradict me. Indeed, Battle was 
entirely prepared to defend his role as facilitator of American military 
intervention in the service of private American capital. And this 
without even the usual claims to altruism: he didn’t even gesture to the
 pressing problems of poverty, inequality and exploitation in Africa.
 Given that Battle’s training and experience in African affairs amounts
 to exactly zero, I suppose this shouldn’t be so shocking. Still, I
 expected more compassion and critical insight from a man trained in
theology and educated at a historically black university.

As much as I want to criticise Battle for his lack of diplomatic
 decorum, I actually find myself grateful for it — grateful that he has 
spoken so bluntly, grateful that he has exposed USAU for what it is, 
grateful that he has stripped away the romantic mystifications that
 usually shroud US foreign policy in Africa. Battle has given lie to any 
pretence that the Obama administration has the best interests of the
 beleaguered continent in mind. Indeed, Battle’s rhetoric represents 
nothing less than the formal inauguration of a New Scramble for Africa,
and of a complicit African Union that has been thoroughly co-opted by 
the US government and multinational capital.

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