Saturday, December 28, 2024
Liberals, left hail Mangione’s killing of health care CEO
Friday, December 13, 2024
After Trump wins election, liberals speak out against ‘ignorant’ voters – The Militant
[....] Rubin goes so far as to make the argument that “low-information” voters have trouble understanding issues or “assessing the state of the economy.” But workers live in the crisis-ridden reality of high prices, joblessness and rising uncertainty. We know what is happening to ourselves and to millions of fellow workers who are looking for ways to change these conditions.Rubin says, “What is the point of asking such voters their view?” She urges Democrats to just “reduce and simplify” their message for workers who voted for Trump, or didn’t vote at all. Some 89 million eligible voters didn’t see enough in either capitalist candidate to vote, substantially more than the numbers of votes either Trump or Harris got.Rubin’s piece captures the disdain shown toward working people by the liberal big-business media and capitalist politicians of all stripes. These views are especially prevalent among members of the upper-middle-class meritocratic layers that dominate the Democratic Party today. They’re convinced their own “higher education and income,” as Rubin puts it, qualifies them to administer and regulate the lives of the toiling majority on behalf of the country’s exploiting capitalist rulers.
Sunday, December 8, 2024
Stalinist ‘Popular Front Against Fascism’ only leads to disaster – The Militant
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Lenin on the social roots of opportunism
Saturday, October 26, 2024
Columbus ‘deserves our respect, deserves to be remembered’ – The Militant
[....] In its July 13, 2020, issue of the Militant, Managing Editor Terry Evans wrote an article entitled “Destruction of statues seeks to erase history we need to know.”
It said, “Behind the destruction and removal of monuments lies the notion that by erasing symbols from the past, reflecting different stages of class development, you can ‘cancel’ them and pretend they didn’t happen.“Knowing the real history of past class struggles is key to charting a road forward. Along that road working people will decide what statues and other historical monuments we want to keep and where, and what new ones to erect.“We don’t need small self-appointed groups imposing their own will on others tearing down statues, putting barriers in front of working people learning from our history, and gaining confidence in what we can become.”He pointed out that working people today can’t judge past civilizations by comparison with conditions today, many the result of mighty class struggles and revolutionary transformations. Things that we reject today have accompanied important social advances in the past. That’s true of Columbus’ “discovery” of the Americas.
Workers step up solidarity in face of the US embargo – The Militant
[....] Efforts to recover from the blackout and hurricane are “a major task given the economic and financial conditions the country is living through due to the tightened blockade against Cuba and the inclusion of our country on the State Sponsors of Terrorism List,” Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel said in an Oct. 21 national address.By putting Cuba on this outrageous list, Washington threatens sharp sanctions on companies and banks around the world that trade with or facilitate credit to Cuba. This drastically restricts Cuba’s ability to purchase food, medical supplies, fuel, equipment and spare parts, magnifying shortages of basic goods and crippling transportation and other services.The U.S. rulers, however, continue to underestimate the capacities of Cuba’s working people. Cardet, the retired Holguín teacher and staunch partisan of the revolution mentioned earlier, pointed with pride to a message circulated by one of her former students.“I suffer the effects of the blackouts like anyone else,” he said. “But you know, I don’t feel like blaming Díaz-Canel or the government. I don’t feel like banging pots in the street,” as opponents of the revolution urge Cubans to do. “In any case, I would bang a pot to demand the blockade be lifted and that we be removed from the list that prevents Cuba from obtaining hard currency.“In short, I don’t feel like ceasing to believe in the people who go out every day — despite the blackout — to teach, to cure patients, to produce.”
Why fight to defend constitutional freedoms is key for working class – The Militant
[....] U.S. Supreme Court Justice Kentanji Brown Jackson attacked First Amendment protections earlier this year in a case challenging attempts by the White House and the FBI to compel big tech companies to self-censor the websites they run. On March 18, Jackson told Louisiana Solicitor General Benjamin Aguiñaga, “My biggest concern is that your view has the First Amendment hamstringing the government.”But that’s the point of the First Amendment. It was adopted to “hamstring” the government. It bars it from interfering in discussion and debate, including against those who hold views the capitalist rulers oppose.Hillary Clinton complained Oct. 5 that if Facebook, X or Instagram “don’t moderate and monitor the content, we lose total control.” Similar views are expressed across the Democratic Party, including by Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who says, “We’re going to have to figure out how we rein in media.”The “we” Clinton and Ocasio-Cortez seek to protect is the U.S. state apparatus. But when they talk about the government, they try to strip it of its actual class character. They hide the fact that the U.S. government exists to serve the capitalist class, their profit-driven offensive against working people, and their imperialist interventions and wars abroad.Workers have an opposite starting point — the need for protection from that state and all of its institutions, from the government and courts to the FBI, and the ever-growing number of federal regulatory agencies that intrude into workers’ lives and impose the political agenda of the liberal meritocrats who run these agencies.Liberals are increasingly calling for the Constitution as a whole to be dumped. They say it was written by slave owners. They ignore the fact that it was the product of a mighty revolutionary struggle against the oppression of the British monarchy, alongside subsequent battles of farmers and other sections of the toiling population.One example is a widely touted new book No Democracy Lasts Forever: How the Constitution Threatens the United Sates, by Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the University of California, Berkeley law school.“Trump owes his political ascent to the Constitution,” Jennifer Szalai asserts in her favorable New York Times review of the book. She adds that the Constitution fosters “the widespread cynicism that helps authoritarianism grow.”Liberal venom against the Constitution is ultimately aimed at the working class. In 1939 Leon Trotsky, a leader of the 1917 Russian Revolution, explained, “Under conditions of the bourgeois regime, all suppression of political rights and freedom, no matter whom they are directed against in the beginning, in the end inevitably bear down upon the working class, particularly its most advanced elements. That is a law of history.”
Saturday, October 19, 2024
Mideast showdown: Israelis fight to defend a refuge from Jew-hatred – The Militant
The Israeli government has released documents its forces captured in Gaza that provide further proof Iran’s capitalist rulers and the leadership of Hezbollah in Lebanon — despite their denials — were centrally involved in the yearslong preparations for Hamas’ Oct. 7, 2023, murderous pogrom against Jews in Israel....[....] Hamas’ goal: Kill the JewsImproving the life of Gazans has never been part of Hamas’ program. Its founding covenant states that “the Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews).” Hamas’ political continuity goes back to the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al-Husseini, in the 1930s and ’40s. Al-Husseini, a close collaborator with Adolf Hitler’s Nazi regime in Germany, helped to set up a Muslim unit of the SS. He asked Nazi officials to prevent Jewish children in Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria from going to Palestine, demanding they be deported to Poland, where the Nazis had set up death camps.Facts described in a new book by Ha’aretz reporter Lee Yaron, 10/7: 100 Human Stories help to answer those who still harbor illusions that Israel should negotiate with Hamas and its backers to find a “diplomatic” solution. While she says the Israeli government shares responsibility for today’s conflict, the facts she presents are telling.Hamas targeted ‘peace activists’Before Oct. 7, Yaron notes, Kibbutz Be’eri members routinely “volunteered to transport Palestinian patients to Israeli hospitals and annually donated thousands of dollars to families in Gaza.” Many of its residents were “peace activists” and opponents of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.Hamas deliberately targeted them. One in 10 residents of Be’eri was murdered or kidnapped Oct. 7. That includes the killing of 74-year-old Vivian Silver, a leader of Women Wage Peace....
Saturday, October 12, 2024
Israel’s right and need to defend the safety of a refuge for Jews
As vote nears, Democrats push attacks on constitutional rights
Monday, October 7, 2024
Sunday, October 6, 2024
Red Enlightenment: On Socialism, Science and Spirituality (2023) by Graham Jones
Red Enlightenment: On Socialism, Science and Spirituality (2023) by Graham Jones
Have you ever wanted to read an over-300 page book in which the words spiritual and spirituality appear 163 times?
Me, either.
Graham Jones has not written a book about UFOs and how they built the pyramids, however. There are no pleas here for saving the planet by making our own clothes. Instead, Jones is reaching out to help us use completely anti-Marxist mind-over-matter subjectivity to summon a socialist millennium.
Over a hundred years ago, Lenin called this God-building, though he and his fellow scientific socialists had some less nice words for it, too.
Lenin's polemics was written after the defeats of Russia's 1905 revolutionary upsurge. A temporary retreat of working class and peasant militancy led some revolutionaries to seek salvation in spirituality; they did not blame themselves for the class retreat, or the dictatorship of capital, but the workers and farmers themselves.
Red Enlightenment: On Socialism, Science and Spirituality by Graham Jones was published in 2023 by Repeater Books. I have read a number of books from Repeater in the past, usually studies employing academic jargon to fuse explications of horror fiction with fashionable word salads of current cultural theory. Which is enough to make any reader cry out for spiritual escape.
What Lukacs termed the “permanent carnival of fetishized inwardness” of the petty bourgeoisie goes on.
6 October 2024
Saturday, October 5, 2024
"We want to create well-equipped revolutionists who know enough not to be captivated by passing fads"
Washington’s starting point is not defending Jews -- Back people of Israel in a war against Jew-hatred – The Militant
Washington’s starting point is not defending Jews. All it cares about is defending U.S. imperialism’s economic and political interests, including stability in its relations with governments in the region and for maritime shipping and oil production.But the capitalist government in Israel refuses to subordinate the need to fight Jew-hatred to its alliance with Washington. By refusing to back down and making real progress, Israel is striking a blow to U.S. imperialism.The liberal bourgeois press, while admitting that Nasrallah’s goal was destruction of Israel, printed obituaries painting him as a charismatic leader “loved” by Shiite Muslims. The Washington Post said he “was seen as a father figure, a moral compass and a political guide” by his followers, and as “the man who empowered Lebanon’s once downtrodden and impoverished Shiite community.”A Sept. 27 New York Times article claimed that even though Nasrallah “referred to Israel as ‘the Zionist entity,’ maintaining that all Jewish immigrants should return to their countries of origin,” at the same time he was for “one Palestine with equality for Muslims, Jews and Christians.”The murderous actions of Hezbollah throughout the Middle East belie these bouquets from the U.S. press.Hezbollah was a direct creation of the regime in Iran in 1982. The Iranian rulers sought to extend their influence into Lebanon as they consolidated a counterrevolution at home aimed at reversing gains made by working people during the 1979 revolution that overthrew the U.S.-backed shah of Iran. Hezbollah works to advance Tehran’s goal of destroying Israel and killing or expelling all the Jews there.
Fight Jew-hatred, join Oct. 7 events
Fight Jew-hatred, join Oct. 7 events“The solution is tied to building a revolutionary working-class party of all nationalities in every country — including in Israel, and most importantly, in the U.S. — that works toward workers taking power.”Fruit pointed to the remarks by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the U.N. on Sept. 27. “My country is fighting for its life,” he said. “Israel yearns for peace, but our enemies seek our annihilation. … We will win because we don’t have a choice.”He said there was a choice “between a historic reconciliation between Arabs and Jews or the tyranny and terror of more Oct. 7s.” Many U.N. representatives walked out during these remarks.Fruit urged everyone at the meeting to join upcoming events marking the Oct. 7 pogrom.“No new capitalist world order is possible that would make the world more peaceful,” Fruit said.“Across Africa, governments are massively indebted to lenders like the World Bank, Washington and more recently to the rulers of China,” she pointed out. One participant in the campaign meeting asked about the debate at the United Nations over whether to give Africa, with 54 countries and some 1.5 billion people, two permanent seats on the U.N. Security Council, but without veto power. “Is this an obstacle to getting solutions?” he asked.“The U.N. came out of World War II and it’s a body of capitalist governments,” Fruit said. “They are the problem, contending to steal all the wealth from working people.“Workers need to organize ourselves, tackle our problems like Thomas Sankara led working people in Burkina Faso to do,” she said, pointing to the 1983-87 popular democratic revolution in that West African country.
Join, build the SWP campaign“There are five weeks left in this campaign,” John Studer, the Socialist Workers national campaign director, said during the discussion. “Workers know there is something deeply wrong with the economy. They abhor the Oct. 7 attack on Jews in Israel.“The biggest discussion is whether the working class is capable of doing something about it. The SWP thinks it is and we want to discuss that with as many workers as possible. We want workers to break with the capitalist parties, endorse the SWP campaign and become part of it. Join with us at actions Oct. 1 to support postal workers and on Oct. 7.
Friday, October 4, 2024
Election Trivia Answers
Netflix has a series of colorized WW2 documentaries
"World War II: From the Frontlines"
A better title: "Don't make these 10 mistakes like that loser Hitler."
Holocaust gets 5 minutes at the end around the US forces' discovery of Dauchau.
No mention of that small Asian nation called China.
For instance.
Ugh! 😣
Cf. Some real history:
The Marxist view:
World War II: Three wars in one
U. S. Logistics: uneven and combined development in the Pacific theater:
Reading notes: Henri Arvon, Marxist Esthetics, Cornell University Press (1973)
Thursday, October 3, 2024
Election Trivia... but what year???
The Green Party's electoral cretinism
Genocide? 12 months and still the IDF saves lives.
Fredric Jameson 1934-2024
Socialist Worker, a particularly screamy, Jew-hating website on the UK sectarian left, has published an obituary of Fredric Jameson, 1934-2024.
I stopped reading SW around 2013, when I also started skipping all-but-the-headlines for US Stalinist “antizionism” periodicals like Workers World.
But since I spent this spring reading ten Jameson books, I gave the obituary a read. Author and SW editorial board grandee Alex Callinicos wrote it.
A few excerpts that I agree with will suffice:
[....] At the end of the book [Marxism and Form (1971)] Jameson writes, “The works of culture come to us as signs in all-but-forgotten-code, as symptoms of diseases no longer even recognised, as fragments of a totality we have long since lost the organs to see.”
It was the task of dialectical criticism to restore these fragments to their place in this invisible totality—capitalism....
[....] it allows us to understand history as the “absent cause” of all our strivings. In it the “ground bass of material production continues, … yet conveniently muffled and intermittent, easy to ignore”. But “history is what hurts, it is what refuses desire and sets limits to individual as well as collective praxis.”
[....] In his most important theoretical work, The Political Unconscious (1981), Jameson boldly claims that “the political perspective”—he means Marxism—is “the absolute horizon of all readings and interpretations”.
[....] In 1991 he responded defiantly to the apparent triumph of Western imperialism at the end of the Cold War. “Capital and labour (and their opposition) will not go away under the new dispensation,” he said. “Whether the word Marxism disappears or not, therefore, in the erasure of the tapes in some new Dark Ages, the thing itself will inevitably reappear.”
[....] Jameson argues that Marxism does not simply reject what appear to be rival theories. Instead, it recognises that they offer partial, limited perspectives on reality. It takes over their insights and integrates them into its understanding of the social whole....
3 October 2024
Source: Socialist Worker, Thursday 26 September 2024 Issue 2925
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
The deepening crisis of capitalism, part 2
Marx had (at least) four things to say about a situation like this:1. The profit rate will fall for the system as a whole in the long run and in the final analysis.2. Capitalists introduce methods that reduce this fall, but these methods work in such a way as to increase the falling rate in the long run.3. The measures undertaken by the capitalists can only stall or reverse this falling rate temporarily for the system as a whole.4. The capitalists would not be able to recognize the source or the outcome of the problem.
Saturday, September 28, 2024
As battles with Hezbollah heat up: Defend Israel as a refuge for Jews! – The Militant
Having made significant progress in the war to dismantle Hamas in Gaza, Israeli forces — no longer willing to accept daily missile assaults on northern Israel — are now focusing on Lebanon-based Hezbollah. And they’re dealing devastating blows to the Tehran-allied Jew-hating group.Destroying Hamas’ ability to launch future deadly pogroms and pushing Hezbollah back are essential to crippling Tehran’s “axis of resistance,” defending Israel’s right to exist as a refuge for Jews and advancing the fight against Jew-hatred around the world. This would also open space in Gaza, Lebanon and more broadly for Jewish, Muslim, Christian and other workers to come together in defense of their class interests....
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Saturday, September 14, 2024
Anniversary of Oct. 7 pogrom: Fight against Jew-hatred key – The Militant
Anti-Zionism today is antisemitismHamas, together with various Stalinist, Maoist and anarchist currents, has put together a well-oiled international propaganda machine that demonizes Israel. They claim they’re “anti-Zionist,” not antisemitic.But a report issued Aug. 30 by an administration-appointed task force at Columbia University documents egregious cases of Jew-hatred at the campus, a center of anti-Israel actions.A Jewish student, who had put up a mezuzah — a traditional Jewish symbol — on her doorway in an on-campus dormitory, was harassed at all hours of the day and night after Oct. 7 by Hamas apologists who banged on her door demanding she explain Israel’s actions.“Students have reported having necklaces ripped off their necks and being pinned against walls, while walking back to their dorm” or “on their way to synagogue,” the report noted. Others were shouted at to “go back to Poland.” Many Jewish students have stopped walking alone on campus.
‘Working class needs to take political power’ – The Militant
“The governments in Ukraine and in Israel are capitalist governments and they depend on fickle imperialist allies that put their own interests first,” Fruit said. “But if they win the wars they are fighting for their survival, the working class there will have more space to organize, to unite and to reach out to their allies in the working classes of other countries.” Ultimately, she said, “the solution is tied to building a revolutionary working-class party of all nationalities in every country,” Fruit said — including in Israel and Ukraine — “that fights for workers power.”
Saturday, August 24, 2024
Forging a proletarian party in the class struggle today – The Militant
“Every class struggle is a political struggle.” With that statement Jack Barnes, national secretary of the Socialist Workers Party, opened his report to an International Socialist Educational Conference in Oberlin, Ohio. “That’s a reality more and more workers in the United States are bumping up against in their own lives and battles today.”
Thursday, August 22, 2024
Friday, August 2, 2024
300 days since the October seventh pogrom. What we know and what we don’t know. – The Union Of Workers
Saturday, July 20, 2024
Shots at Trump are product of liberal frenzy, capitalist crisis – The Militant
....The attempt on Trump came after over eight years of concerted efforts by Democrats, liberal press outlets, the middle-class left, late-night talk show hosts and more to portray Trump as a fascist and deadly danger to capitalist “democracy.” As the November election has come nearer, and as the Democratic incumbent Joseph Biden’s campaign has stumbled, this shrill tirade has grown more and more hysterical and violent.In 2022 Biden declared that what he termed “MAGA-Republicans,” who number in the tens of millions, are “semi-fascists” who “threaten the very foundations of our republic.” Just a few days before the shooting, Biden said the Democrats’ campaign needs to “put Trump in a bullseye.” The shooting is a reflection of the deepening political crisis racking the U.S. capitalist rulers and their two-party setup. The Democrats in particular are beset by deep differences reflected in the recent debate over Biden’s candidacy.What really drives their hysteria is growing concern over the wide working-class support for Trump. Despite what they claim, this doesn’t represent a turn to the “far right,” any more than does the vote for the European parliament and other recent elections. It reflects the fact workers are increasingly looking for a way to fight against the effects of the crises of capitalism that the employers and their government push on their backs. The rulers fear growing class struggle to come....
Monday, July 1, 2024
Are working people in Europe flocking to join the ‘far right’? – The Militant
Elections to the European Parliament June 6-9 saw heavy losses for governing capitalist parties that tens of millions of working people hold responsible for the worsening conditions they confront. The results reflect these crisis conditions, but they’re presented in the liberal press worldwide as a shift of the working classes to the “far right.”
Saturday, June 22, 2024
Reviewed: Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism (1989) by Fredric Jameson
Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism (1989) by Fredric Jameson
This is the most politically confusing and unMarxist of Jameson's books. It floats on a stream of euphemisms when scientific terms would have been simpler and clearer. Example: his use of "world system" instead of imperialism is especially grating. (At least we are spared "hegemony," "precariat," and "globalization").
The thesis: postmodernism is the post-1970 mode of capitalist "cultural production" -- in which superstructural factors are determinant even in the final instance over economics.
(This yearning on the part of the middle class left to write-off the multinational US working class and workers and farmers around the world is even more widespread today than it was when this study came out).
And for a book on capitalist "cultural production" from 1989, there is remarkably little curiosity about some of the big events in the class struggle circa 1979-1989. Internationally, these include: the advances of the Cuban revolution; the Reagan-Thatcher anti-labor drive; the 1979 revolutions in Grenada, Iran, and Nicaragua; the battle of Cuito Cuanavale and the coming revolution in South Africa; the UK miners strike; the strike wave in the USSR and Eastern European workers states.
Notable labor milestones in the US that escape even parenthetical "mapping" by Jameson: the 1978-79 UMWA strike; the breaking of PATCO; the Hormel P9 strike, and the strikes in copper mining in the southwest.
References to works by Marx are often to material of secondary importance: some journalism and the Grundrisse. The latter was an extensive notebook, but not a text prepared by Marx and Engels for publication, and so not as rigorously revised and edited as the initial volume of Capital. Jameson is much more comfortable with the theoretical wiggle-room offered by the earlier work's imprecisions. (Similar to academic Marxists who comb Lukacs and Gramsci after passing-by Lenin and Trotsky).
Many of Jameson's insights into cultural theory are clearly presented. But he has no nose for recognizing and assessing POLITICAL WEIGHT. There is not a more severe handicap for a Marxist of any type.
21 June 2024
Friday, June 21, 2024
The 10 Commandments shouldn't be posted in schools
Saturday, June 8, 2024
A road forward to unite workers in Israel, Iran and Palestine – The Militant
✔️The goal of Hamas and Tehran has never been about advancing the rights of Palestinian working people. Their goal is to extend the reactionary influence of the bourgeois clerical regime in Tehran throughout the Middle East, hand in hand with the destruction of Israel....✔️Only the unequivocal defeat of Hamas and the dismantling of its military and leadership structures can create conditions where Jewish, Arab and other working people can come together to defend their interests against the capitalist rulers in Israel, the Palestinian territories and more broadly in the region, and, in so doing, forge a revolutionary road forward....