

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Israel’s right and need to defend the safety of a refuge for Jews

[....] The U.S. government continues to advance the U.S. rulers’ class interests by pressing the government of Israel to agree to back off its decisive fight to defang Tehran, Hamas, et al. U.S. imperialism does not start from defending Jews from pogroms or Israel’s right to exist as an all-too-necessary refuge to Jews.

It’s only concern is the stability the U.S. capitalist class requires for its own profit-driven interests, including the Biden administration’s efforts to reach an accommodation with the regime in Tehran.

After Oct. 7 the White House warned Israel not to go into Rafah on the Gaza-Egypt border. It complained when an Israeli bombing raid killed Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah. And now the Joseph Biden administration is telling Israel not to try to destroy Iran’s nuclear development facilities. But Israel’s capitalist government is not willing to put Israel’s existence and the lives of millions of Jews on the line by caving in to the U.S. rulers’ demands.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the U.N. General Assembly Sept. 27 that Israel will do everything it must to prevent Tehran from getting nuclear weapons.

The Times of Israel noted Oct. 7, 2024, that on Sept. 30, Biden had begun the day by calling for a “ceasefire now” between Israel and Hezbollah. “Hours later, the IDF announced that it had begun a series of raids aimed at dismantling Hezbollah posts on the Lebanese side of the border.”

Full article:

As vote nears, Democrats push attacks on constitutional rights

[....] Smith’s filing so close to the Nov. 5 election is a clear and conscious violation of long-standing Justice Department policy under both Republicans and Democrats not to take any steps that “could impact an election” within 60 days of the vote.

Writing in a New York Times op-ed Oct. 9, former Assistant Attorney General Jack Goldsmith said that Trump’s opponents seem to believe “his unique horribleness justifies every conceivable aggressive step to keep him from becoming president. This sort of thinking reflects a tragic eight-year pattern of breaking rules and standards.”


Sunday, October 6, 2024

Red Enlightenment: On Socialism, Science and Spirituality (2023) by Graham Jones

Red Enlightenment: On Socialism, Science and Spirituality (2023) by Graham Jones

Have you ever wanted to read an over-300 page book in which the words spiritual and spirituality appear 163 times?

Me, either.

Graham Jones has not written a book about UFOs and how they built the pyramids, however. There are no pleas here for saving the planet by making our own clothes. Instead, Jones is reaching out to help us use completely anti-Marxist mind-over-matter subjectivity to summon a socialist millennium.

Over a hundred years ago, Lenin called this God-building, though he and his fellow scientific socialists had some less nice words for it, too. 

Lenin's polemics was written after the defeats of Russia's 1905 revolutionary upsurge. A temporary retreat of working class and peasant militancy led some revolutionaries to seek salvation in spirituality; they did not blame themselves for the class retreat, or the dictatorship of capital, but the workers and farmers themselves.

Red Enlightenment: On Socialism, Science and Spirituality by Graham Jones was published in 2023 by Repeater Books. I have read a number of books from Repeater in the past, usually studies employing academic jargon to fuse explications of horror fiction with fashionable word salads of current cultural theory. Which is enough to make any reader cry out for spiritual escape.

What Lukacs termed the “permanent carnival of fetishized inwardness” of the petty bourgeoisie goes on.


6 October 2024

Saturday, October 5, 2024

"We want to create well-equipped revolutionists who know enough not to be captivated by passing fads"

....The doctrines upon which our movement is based are not named scientific socialism without good and sufficient reason. Our party endeavors to educate its members in all aspects of Marxism from the most general problems of theory to everyday tactics. We want to create well-equipped revolutionists who know enough not to be captivated by passing fads. We have to polish the tools of thought given by Marxism and keep them sharp by continuous application.....

"In Defence of Engels" (1975)
Polemics in Marxist philosophy by George Novack

Washington’s starting point is not defending Jews -- Back people of Israel in a war against Jew-hatred – The Militant

Washington’s starting point is not defending Jews. All it cares about is defending U.S. imperialism’s economic and political interests, including stability in its relations with governments in the region and for maritime shipping and oil production.

But the capitalist government in Israel refuses to subordinate the need to fight Jew-hatred to its alliance with Washington. By refusing to back down and making real progress, Israel is striking a blow to U.S. imperialism.

The liberal bourgeois press, while admitting that Nasrallah’s goal was destruction of Israel, printed obituaries painting him as a charismatic leader “loved” by Shiite Muslims. The Washington Post said he “was seen as a father figure, a moral compass and a political guide” by his followers, and as “the man who empowered Lebanon’s once downtrodden and impoverished Shiite community.”

A Sept. 27 New York Times article claimed that even though Nasrallah “referred to Israel as ‘the Zionist entity,’ maintaining that all Jewish immigrants should return to their countries of origin,” at the same time he was for “one Palestine with equality for Muslims, Jews and Christians.”

The murderous actions of Hezbollah throughout the Middle East belie these bouquets from the U.S. press.

Hezbollah was a direct creation of the regime in Iran in 1982. The Iranian rulers sought to extend their influence into Lebanon as they consolidated a counterrevolution at home aimed at reversing gains made by working people during the 1979 revolution that overthrew the U.S.-backed shah of Iran. Hezbollah works to advance Tehran’s goal of destroying Israel and killing or expelling all the Jews there.

Back people of Israel in a war against Jew-hatred – The Militant

Fight Jew-hatred, join Oct. 7 events


Fight Jew-hatred, join Oct. 7 events
“The solution is tied to building a revolutionary working-class party of all nationalities in every country — including in Israel, and most importantly, in the U.S. — that works toward workers taking power.”

Fruit pointed to the remarks by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the U.N. on Sept. 27. “My country is fighting for its life,” he said. “Israel yearns for peace, but our enemies seek our annihilation. … We will win because we don’t have a choice.”

He said there was a choice “between a historic reconciliation between Arabs and Jews or the tyranny and terror of more Oct. 7s.” Many U.N. representatives walked out during these remarks.

Fruit urged everyone at the meeting to join upcoming events marking the Oct. 7 pogrom.

“No new capitalist world order is possible that would make the world more peaceful,” Fruit said.

“Across Africa, governments are massively indebted to lenders like the World Bank, Washington and more recently to the rulers of China,” she pointed out. One participant in the campaign meeting asked about the debate at the United Nations over whether to give Africa, with 54 countries and some 1.5 billion people, two permanent seats on the U.N. Security Council, but without veto power. “Is this an obstacle to getting solutions?” he asked.

“The U.N. came out of World War II and it’s a body of capitalist governments,” Fruit said. “They are the problem, contending to steal all the wealth from working people.

“Workers need to organize ourselves, tackle our problems like Thomas Sankara led working people in Burkina Faso to do,” she said, pointing to the 1983-87 popular democratic revolution in that West African country.

Join, build the SWP campaign
“There are five weeks left in this campaign,” John Studer, the Socialist Workers national campaign director, said during the discussion. “Workers know there is something deeply wrong with the economy. They abhor the Oct. 7 attack on Jews in Israel.

“The biggest discussion is whether the working class is capable of doing something about it. The SWP thinks it is and we want to discuss that with as many workers as possible. We want workers to break with the capitalist parties, endorse the SWP campaign and become part of it. Join with us at actions Oct. 1 to support postal workers and on Oct. 7.
