

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Forging a proletarian party in the class struggle today – The Militant

“Every class struggle is a political struggle.” With that statement Jack Barnes, national secretary of the Socialist Workers Party, opened his report to an International Socialist Educational Conference in Oberlin, Ohio. “That’s a reality more and more workers in the United States are bumping up against in their own lives and battles today.”

Forging a proletarian party in the class struggle today – The Militant

Friday, August 2, 2024

300 days since the October seventh pogrom. What we know and what we don’t know. – The Union Of Workers

[....] We know that for the communists our strategic tasks remain the same: to build revolutionary workers parties in the countries where we live that will educate and organize the working-class along the road to power, that can fight for the construction of workers and farmers governments, which will give us the most powerful tool imaginable to allow the workers of the world to come together as equals to build a socialist future.

What remains unknown

What we don't know is the pace and form this fight will take, we just know it's coming, if not in the lifetime of me and my peers, then in the lifetimes of the younger generations and those generations yet to come.
