Saturday, June 1, 2024

Constitutional freedoms are fruit of hard-fought political struggle – The Militant

....Ever since Trump clinched the Republican nomination in 2016, Democrats have unleashed the FBI to go after him. FBI boss James Comey and former chief Robert Mueller were tasked with bringing Trump down both before the election and trying to impeach him afterward on utterly fabricated claims that he “colluded” with Moscow.

Learning the true history of the capitalist rulers’ political police is essential for working people.

The Socialist Workers Party launched an unprecedented lawsuit against the FBI in 1973, as more became known about FBI spying, harassment and disruption against fighters opposing Jim Crow segregation and Washington’s war in Vietnam. The victorious case helped uncover the massive scope of FBI abuses against the party and other opponents of government policy.

In 1986 federal Judge Thomas Griesa ruled that the use of cop informers to infiltrate and spy on communists violated the Constitution’s guarantee of privacy and freedom of association; that the FBI’s burglaries, planting of microphones and opening of mail at party offices was illegal; and that the FBI’s Cointelpro disruption of SWP activity and harassment of its members was against the law. The party’s campaign and legal victory defended the political space for all working people.

Today prosecutor Smith is seeking to refurbish the FBI and deal a blow to political rights, insisting that Trump “does not have an unlimited right to speak.”


Constitutional freedoms are fruit of hard-fought political struggle – The Militant

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