Sunday, February 28, 2016

A communist view of "Washington gridlock"

"....A little gridlock in the capitalist government is perhaps the one positive development—the less the capitalist exploiters’ representatives can agree and act in their efforts to take their crisis out on the backs of working people, the better."

A comrade and fellow SWP supporter on Facebook had this to say:

"We are for the separation of powers in the three branches of government as long as the capitalist class hold state power.  We are in favor of gridlock.  We are for defending the constitution and the Bill of Rights.  We are opposed to judges writing law from the bench, be they liberal social engineers or right-wing reactionaries.  Given this choice, it is preferable for the Supreme Court to decide law on a strict interpretation of the Constitution.  This is ABC which I was taught as a 19 year-old YSA'er."


  1. "Given this choice, it is preferable for the Supreme Court to decide law on a strict interpretation of the Constitution." What bullshit. As if the Supreme Court, the "robed Reactionaries of the Ruling Rich," ever decide anything fairly and on the merits or according to their own Constitution. And no, what I learned as a "19 year-old YSAer," back when the SWP still had a shred of revolutionary integrity, was that we defend CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, the Bill of Rights and the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments, UNCONDITIONALLY, but that the Consitution itself was written by and for propertied, slave-holding white men. We only defend those parts that are advantageous to our side. Who cares how the bourgeoisie orders its affairs? Why should the undemocratic Electoral College be defended? The Federal system of government enshrined in the Constitution is arguably less democratic than the parliamentary system in other countries. Next you'll be arguing for "communists" to recite the Pledge of Allegience.

    1. Your comment has been posted.

      BTW, which presidential campaign are you supporting?

    2. Your comment has been posted.

      BTW, which presidential campaign are you supporting?

    3. I'll support the SWP. If they're not on the ballot I'll write them in.

    4. I'll support the SWP. If they're not on the ballot I'll write them in.

