Saturday, February 24, 2024

Hamas lays out its goals: Kill Jews, destroy Israel – The Militant

Some individuals and groups who condemn Hamas for its bloody anti-Jewish pogrom and massacre of 1,200 people Oct. 7 are now backing the call by Hamas apologists for a cease-fire, which would allow the Islamist outfit to survive and slaughter Jews again.

Can't Israel and Hamas negotiate an end to the conflict? Wouldn't the war end if Israel would just agree to a Palestinian state side by side with Israel?

After waging a war against supporters of the Palestinian Authority, Hamas ruled Gaza — a de facto Palestinian state — for almost two decades. It busted unions, arrested and tortured political opponents, and denied women equal rights. It ran the state, in its own words, as "cover" to prepare assaults on Israel.

Hamas, which is trained, financed, and aided in planning its assaults by the reactionary regime in Tehran, is not interested in negotiations for two states....


‘Socialist’ radicals gain in Democratic Party, push attacks on political rights – The Militant

"....Every time the capitalist government assaults the rights of anyone, including a capitalist politician like Trump, it sets a precedent for the same and far worse being done to the working class and vanguard fighters like the Socialist Workers Party." 

Saturday, February 10, 2024

The fight for political rights is at the center of U.S. politics – The Militant

[....] The Bill of Rights, the Reconstruction-era 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments, and other constitutional freedoms were adopted in the course of struggles by the toiling population. They provide protections against government interference with personal beliefs, political activity and union-organizing that workers use today.

Whenever workers strike for better wages or fight dangerous working conditions and life-draining schedules we use these freedoms. They’re utilized when workers organize union solidarity, join actions opposing Jew-hatred or oppose Washington’s wars abroad. These freedoms are needed more than ever as the economic, social and moral crises of capitalism deepen today, making more workers open to discussing why we need to act independently of the bosses and their two main parties, the Democrats and Republicans.

Defense of constitutional protections is a key part of the course presented by Socialist Workers Party candidates in 2024, as they join in the fight to unify the working class in action and present a road to fight for workers to take political power into our own hands....


The fight for political rights is at the center of U.S. politics – The Militant

Immigration, amnesty and the fight to unify the working class – The Militant

Supporters of the Socialist Workers Party here have been campaigning with a statement by Naomi Craine, SWP candidate for U.S. Congress, titled, “Amnesty for all undocumented workers! Fight for jobs for all workers! Build the unions to unite the working class!”

“Newly arrived immigrants are pitted against workers who already face a lack of jobs, affordable housing, decent schools and other needs,” Craine says. “The fight for jobs and unity among workers to cut across these divisions is a life-and-death question for the unions.

“The Socialist Workers Party campaigns for the unions to lead a fight for amnesty for all workers who are here, so that we’re in a stronger position to fight together,” she says. “The unions must lead a fight to demand a government-funded public works program to put unemployed workers to work building housing, schools, clinics and other facilities workers need.”


Immigration, amnesty and the fight to unify the working class – The Militant

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Jew Hate, the Arab Street and associated problems. Why is there such a pronounced hatred of the Jewish people within Arab and Muslim culture, and how will this curse be ended? – The Union Of Workers

Jew-hate has been the default setting for the dictatorship of capital for hundreds of years. At each new turn for a nation's bourgeoisie, antisemitism is employed in a different way, but always with the same goal: scapegoating Jews to thwart the working class achieving essential class clarity as to its real enemy. JR

Check out this new blog post: 

Stalin resurrected Jew-hatred in USSR, part of counterrevolution against Lenin – The Militant

“The Council of People’s Commissars declares that the anti-Semitic movement and pogroms against Jews are fatal to the interests of the workers’ and peasants’ revolution,” said V.I. Lenin, the central leader of the Bolshevik Party and the 1917 Russian Revolution, in a government declaration after workers conquered power. 

It instructed “all Soviet deputies to take uncompromising measures to tear the anti-Semitic movement out by the roots.”

The Bolsheviks meant what they said.

They put an end to the pogroms and persecution against Jews that had been widespread under the dictatorial rule of the czars. Russia was home to the world’s largest Jewish population. Gramophone recordings of Lenin’s speeches against Jew-hatred were sent all across the country to spread the message. 

The revolutionary government integrated Jews into all aspects of social and political life, and Jewish culture flourished in the 1920s. They took part in the mighty battles to defend the revolution against the reactionary armies of the former landowners and capitalists along with the invading armies of 14 imperialist powers. In the midst of this struggle the Red Army put an end to pogroms these forces carried out.

These blows to Jew-hatred and advances in the lives of the Jews were reversed a few years later, part of a thoroughgoing counterrevolution against Lenin’s program and policies carried out by privileged layers in the state bureaucracy headed by Joseph Stalin.

The Stalinist regime sought to drive working people out of political life, murdered the leaders of the 1917 revolution and reimposed the czarist prison house of nations across Russia. An inevitable consequence was the resurrection of Jew-hatred. The Stalinist reign of terror was wielded with special vengeance against Leon Trotsky and other defenders of Lenin’s revolutionary course. Stalin used appeals to Jew-hatred to target any who questioned his power.

When Bolshevik leaders Lev Kamenev and Grigory Zinoviev united with Trotsky to oppose the Stalinist regime in 1927, the regime’s use of antisemitism accelerated. All three were Jewish. “Jews, even when unreservedly devoted to the general line [of Stalin] were removed from responsible party and Soviet posts,” Trotsky wrote. In Moscow’s factories, “agitators spoke brazenly: ‘The Jews are rioting.’” 

“The country of the great proletarian revolution is now passing through a period of profound reaction,” Trotsky pointed out in a 1937 interview. Stalin seeks “to direct especially against the Jews the existing discontent against the bureaucracy....” 

Stalin resurrected Jew-hatred in USSR, part of counterrevolution against Lenin – The Militant