Saturday, September 24, 2022

White House, FBI attacks on constitutional rights continue – The Militant

[....] Washington’s political police are trampling on constitutional freedoms that working people have fought for and need. Regardless of who these forces go after today, tomorrow they will focus their attention and attacks on the working class and its vanguard. This is a law of history.

Freedom to assemble, to speak out and organize, to protest are crucial for workers involved in today’s strike struggles for higher wages amid soaring prices, for shift schedules that allow time for family life, and against speedup and other dangerous conditions. Mobilizing to defend these freedoms is central to building a fighting labor movement, including the right to worship freely, against unreasonable search and seizure, or cruel and unusual punishment.

Unions are more popular than they’ve been in decades, as workers face a stepped-up drive by employers to protect their profits at our expense. Biden says his administration is the most pro-union ever. But backing the rail bosses, he invoked the notorious Railway Labor Act, tying up rail workers in years of mediation, multiple “cooling off” periods and a Presidential Emergency Board to deny them the right to strike.

The U.S. rulers increasingly fear what more working people know from their own experience — the Democratic and Republican parties have no answers to the crisis of capitalism that don’t bolster bosses’ attacks and worsen deteriorating conditions inflicted on us for years. With more workers looking for ways to resist, the rulers look to strengthen their state power and the FBI....

White House, FBI attacks on constitutional rights continue – The Militant

Death of woman arrested by Iran ‘morality police’ stirs protest – The Militant

[....] Over 1,000 people joined the Sept. 17 funeral in her Kurdish hometown of Saqqez, where many women took off their headscarves and waved them in the air. Protests spread to the Kurdish city of Sanandaj, in northwest Iran, and in Tehran, Isfahan, Sari and other cities.

Death of woman arrested by Iran ‘morality police’ stirs protest – The Militant

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Monarchy plays key role in capitalist rule in the UK – The Militant

Let’s look at a final example of the contradictions between the internationalization of capital and the national borders and institutions that still divide the imperialist world — the United Kingdom. The uneven development of capitalism there, and the forms it inherits from previous periods of class society, are being thrust forward into politics in new ways by the crisis of the world imperialist system. …

Monarchy plays key role in capitalist rule in the UK – The Militant